Advanced Academics & Mentorship Program (Formerly ELP)
Advanced Academics & Mentorship Program (Formerly known as Extended Learning Program)
March 2024 Testing for 6th & 7th Graders, Flyers:
March2024TestingFlyerENGLISH1.pdf March2024TestingFlyerSPANISH1.pdf
August 2023 - Fall Letter to Parents
(ELP) Parent Meetings
The Advanced Academics & Program provides academic services for identified gifted and high ability students who are found eligible for services through an assessment process. At our school, we have what is called Neighborhood AAMP/ELP, where small groups of 4th-6th graders are pulled out of their general classrooms for a few hours a week for additional learning activities. The district also has 3 elementary schools (Emerson, Hawthorne, and Whittier) with full-time gifted programs (or Magnet AAMP/ELP).