School Community Council (SCC) Academic Year 2024-2025
School Community Council Meetings
2024-2025 Academic Year
UPCOMING Meeting: October 24th 3:30pm
in the Dilworth Library
SCC Meetings for the 2024-25 school year will be held the 3rd Thursday of each month (except Oct. & Dec).
Parents, you are invited and welcome to serve on the community council. It is a two-year commitment. You must have a student attending Dilworth to be eligible to be on the council. Elections take place each fall at the beginning of the school year if there are enough applicants. If you are interested in serving, please email Principal Richard Squire at
Overview of the Duties of the School Community Council
The School Community Council (SCC) is a shared governance council formed by the parents and staff of Dilworth Elementary in accordance with state law. The SCC was established in 1974 by the Salt Lake School Board, which has empowered each SCC to make decisions regarding their school as a cooperative means of improving the educational programs and conditions within that school. Its membership should represent school employees and parents or guardians of students. Ideas for discussion topics may be generated by any individual or group in the school community.
Decisions and responsibilities allocated to the SCC by Utah state statute include the following:
- Develop a School Improvement Plan (SIP).
- Develop the School LAND Trust Plan.
- Assist in the development and implementation of a school professional development plan.
- Develop and implement a child access routing plan (safe walking routes to and from school). SNAP
- Advise and make recommendations to school and school district administrators and the local school board regarding the school and its programs, school district programs, and other issues relating to the community environment for students.
- Develop a reading achievement plan.
The School Community Council meets the 3rd Thursday each month at 3:30p.m. in the Dilworth Library. The SCC is an open public meeting.
Scope and Sequence 2024-2025:
August - Elections, SCC Orders and Procedure, HB58 Plan Introduction
September –2021-2024 TSSP and LAND Plan Introduction (School Data), HB58 Plan Approval
October – School Safety Plan, Positive Behavior Plan
November – Review 2023-2024 TSSP/LAND Plan and begin Report, Safe Technology and Digital Citizenship Plan
January – Finalize 2023-2024 TSSP/LAND Plan Report for Submission
February – Review School-Wide Student Data for 2024-2025 TSSP/LAND Plan to inform 2025-2026 TSSP/LAND Plan
March – HB58 Report (due April), Review and Finalize 2025-2026 TSSP/LAND Plan for Submission (May 15, 2025 to State)
April – SCC Choice
May – Scope and Sequence for 2025-2026, Summer Assignments
Ongoing - School website, Parent communication, Safety enhancements
Community Council Meeting Dates for 2024 - 2025:
Sept 19 | Nov 21 | Feb 20 | April 17 |
Oct 24 | Jan 16 | March 20 | May 15 |
Jill Baillie | Principal | |
Amy Dobbs | Chair Person | |
Megan Lopez |
Vice Chair Person |
Ashley Burton |
PTA/Parent |
Micki Ahrens |
Parent |
Dannie Greenlee | Parent | |
Joni Koncar | Parent | |
Robyn Campbell | Faculty/Teacher | |
Joseph R. Nielsen | Faculty/Librarian | |
Summary of LAND Trust Money Received-C
2019 – 2020 |
$ 70,737 |
2020 – 2021 |
$ 71,413 |
2021 – 2022 |
$ 63,875 |
2022 – 2023 |
$ 67,059 |
2023 – 2024 |
$ 71,000 |
2024 – 2025 |
$ 67,084 |
Rules of Order and Procedure
This template was developed at the request of schools and districts to meet a new requirement for school community councils to adopt Rules of Order and Procedure (53A-1a-108.1). The template may be reviewed and amended by councils to meet their needs or councils may develop their own.
To promote ethical behavior and civil discourse each council member shall:
· Attend council meetings on time and prepared
· Make decisions with the needs of students as the main objective
· Listen to and value diverse opinions
· Be sure the opinions of those you represent are included in discussions
· Expect accountability and be prepared to be accountable
· Act with integrity
Rules of Procedure:
All meetings are open to the public and the public is welcome to attend.
The agenda of each upcoming meeting with draft minutes of the prior meeting will be made available to all council members at least one week in advance, will be posted on the school website and made available in the main office. The agenda will include the date, time and location of the meeting.
Minutes will be kept of all meetings, prepared in draft format for approval at the next scheduled meeting.
The council will prepare a timeline for the school year that includes due dates for all required reporting and other activities/tasks that the council agrees to assume or participate in. The timeline will assist in preparation of agendas to be sure the council accomplishes their work in a timely manner.
The chair conducts the meetings, makes assignments and requests reports on assignments. In the absence of the chair the vice-chair shall conduct meetings.
Meetings shall be conducted, and action taken according to very simplified rules of parliamentary procedure as required in 53A-1a-108.1(9)(i). Items on the agenda take priority over other discussions coming before the council. Council action will be taken by motions and voting with votes and motions recorded in the minutes.
A motion (or an action to be taken by the council) is stated as a motion. Someone else on the council “seconds” the motion indicating that at least one other person on the council feels the motion is worthy of discussion. Then the council members may provide input and discussion as called upon by the chair. When discussion seems complete the chair may call for a vote on the motion. Or when a member of the council “calls the previous question” (a motion to end discussion of the first motion), a second is required and then, without discussion the chair calls for a vote that must pass by 2/3. If the vote on the previous question fails, the council goes back to discussing the first motion. If the motion to call the previous question passes, the chair directly calls for a vote on the first motion. A vote to call the previous question is usually used to move business along.
School Community Council Meetings
2024-2025 Academic Year
2023–2024 Academic Year
2022–2023 Academic Year
Book Fair is open before school: 8:15-9:15 a.m. and after school 1-6p.m. Book Fair Closes Thursday at 6p.m.
Link to SCC Meeting is posted on front page of website, inside Our School under SCC, and on the SCC page inside the website, along with the Agenda for November 22nd.
2021-2022 Academic Year
Previous Years
Trust Lands Documents
Link to current Trust Lands plan:
SLTAdminMain (
School Improvement Plan
Link to current
School Improvement Plan (SIP):
SIP Public